Sunday, November 1, 2009

Quabalah love magic

As I have stated before, the Verb is the highest magic of all. It is also the most difficult, and it take years to master. But it cannot fail, as we are basically reproducing what the Source did when creating the universe.

It's principle is simple: a sound, a vibration, is at the origin of anything. This vibration puts in motion the causal plane I introduced earlier in this website. In order to do so, the sound must be repeated 462 times. There are 27 creative sounds or letters and they can be combined between them. This is known as keys, in Quabalah, true Quabalah.

This has never openly been unveiled, and much less for love purposes. Below is an example of single sound key:

The letter "Z" can be pronounced at different levels. If you pronounce it at a physical level, it will provide never-ending physical endurance: you could run for days. The letter "Z" needs to be pronounced at a "sol" note level and must be accompanied by a feeling of lightness, as it is related to the air element. Give it a try yourself and be amazed with the changes, but keep in mind this magic requires an Initiation.

The author of is available to provide Quabalistic keys for love.

Love evocation magic, goetia for love

Spirit Evocation, or Magic evocation, is sometimes referred to as Solomonic Magic. It refers to the biblical King Solomon the Wise who was able to trap the 72 demons of the physical plane to achieve complete material freedom, and in his case use them to the advantage of his people. This is usually known as the Brass Vessel of the Goetia (reference to the Lesser Key of Solomon, or Lemegeton).

Evocation magic is a very serious business: it is as dangerous as it is effective. One does not need to evoke demons, many other powerful and evolved entities exist as well. It all depends on one's goals and the nature of one's requests. There are entities suitable for lust (due to the nature of lust these entities will be demons), and for love (and there we can go from demons to angels).

First, a word about Spirits and Intelligences. The Universe was created by the power of the Verb: that is the highest magic of all. Now, everything that exists is maintained by a Force, a force that can be personalized by its name (and that is part of the Magic of the Verb) and by its sigil or representation. A force that is personalized as such is known as an Intelligence, Spirit, demon, etc... They have their consciousness and they are omni-competent in their office. They are unipolar, meaning they are masters of a role, but cannot evolve. We, humans, are quadripolar, as the Source of the Universe, and because we are made to the image of the Source, we can compell these Entities and request from them the same actions the Divine Providence empowered them with.

However, it is not in their nature to obey if the operator is not well prepared: demons will rebel and higher entities will provide with what is needed rather than with what it is asked (which is rarely the same). The next few pages will solely be dedicated to the required preparation to succesfully call any spirit, may it be high or low in its nature, to physical appearance and charge it with any mission. In our case, a love related one.

My own experience with love evocation magic, and more specifically with goetia for love, is as this:

  • Lust: for lust, as this is obviously a dense passion in its nature, we request a demon's presence, from the Goetia. In my experience this demin has revealed to be of rather masculine nature, and very rebelious: he will not obey easily. But once he does, any specific woman or all you meet will just be "turned on" by your presence. In my case we agreed in a protocol to use when I wanted the lust of a specific woman. Women under his influence also tend to get willingly naked by themselves. When I say that women are turned on, I mean they openly approach one self with undoubtable sexual intentions and willing to engage in a sexual encounter immediately.
  • love: now, the difficulty here is to know the nature of your love. If it´s rather an infatuation, a liaison you are looking for, then you can call two demons I have worked with. They are actually rather gentle and cooperative, one of them is just unpleasant to deal with. Both are quick and effective, and both can compel to "love", and do what is necessary to build a liaison (ie destroy an existing one). If you are looking for higher meaning love and for long lasting relationships, including marriage, then I address another ruler of the Sphere of Venus (not the same one used during candle magic invocation). He will not compel, it is not in his nature, nor will he destroy an existing relationship. His presence inspires true love and his action is super fast (it only takes hours to see changes). He truly works wonders.

  • Overcoming someone: this applies to one self or to somebody obsessed by one's self. I have had fantastic success in both cases with an entity from the Sphere of Mercury (also known as the Shemhamphorasch). Expect the job to be finished in 24 hours.

In order to work with these entities, I just followed the instructions found in .

Necronomicon apple spell

The Necronomicon gained notoriety as the worse black magic grimoire when H.P Lovecraft introduced it in his novels as such. Did he imagine it or was he inspired by it to relate the horrors of his stories is a question many ask.
As is the question regarding the nature of the Necronomicon: did he invent it or did he have access to it prior to anyone?

The answer doesn't really matter. The Necronomicon we reffer to is known as the Simon's version, as he, with the help of two monks, was responsible for its recent translation in the late seventies. It is supposed to be a grimoire back dating and referring to Sumerian times, Sumeria being the cradle of civilization (in a geographic zone close to what Iraq is today). Whether this grimoire uses an egregore that is thousands of years old and equally powerful or the egregore rises from the usage of it in modern times, since Lovecraft introduced it to the world, the result is, in any case, an extremely powerful egregore and system of magic.

The Necronomicon magic, and especially the necronomicon love magic is so powerful that it is the only one I know that can momentarily defy the law of karma. For this reason, if invocation and evocation do not work (meaning some things are not meant for you) and you wish to pursue your quest, then I would advice to use the enchanted apple spell from Simon's Necronomicon. Just be warned: this is pure black magic, the one that is breaking the rules. But as such, it works; it actually works too well.

The Necronomicon apple spell is technically called an ankhour: it is a Sumerian text that repeated as indicated and performed with the correct preparation will call, triger and put in motion an inmense reservoir of energy that will force an action in the direction you have stated. The more an ankhour is used, the stronger it gets (as the more it is used, the more it is charged. Actions do not "consume" its energy), and this one is no different. If we consider that this ankhour was created by the first strong civilization our word as seen, then the massive exposure H.P. Lovecraft gave to it would have only strengthen it. If we choose to believe this work is only thirty years old, then the massive exposure it has had anyway has made of this ankhour one of the most powerful there is, with its entities becoming self-conscious and willing to act effectively in order to gain more power.

The complete Necronomicon apple spell and specific recommendations for personal protection and to ensure its success are available from the author of Due to the very dangerous nature of this magick, please do not attempt without first reading my advice: texts found on the internet are incomplete and dangerous, there is a very real danger of insanity if proper caution is not taken.

Necronomicon love magic

Let's now approach a different way of using candle magic and invocation, that involves sigil and talismanic magic. What we were doing previously is the proper way to do candle spelling; what I am going to present hereunder is candle spelling used for invocation (to invoke is to ask a spirit to descend to ourselves, to evoke is to put a spirit in a particular space outside of ourselves) in order to charge a talisman. This talisman happens to be the sigil of this particular entity, so the drawing is playing two roles: a sigil is a graphical representation of a spirit, and who ever knows a spirit's name and sigil has complete power over It. As the sigil is being charged with a mission, it is to remain with the operator until the goal is achieved.

In this case the energy of the candles will actually canalize the presence of a particular entity that is invoked by its name, sigil and word of power. This entity will then be charged with a love mission, and although I personally like to work with direct evokations in order to have a meaningful and complete conversation with a spirit, it is certainly a very valid alternative for those who do not whish to go through all the trouble of the latter. The entity I refer for this ritual comes is known under one of the names of Marduk . This magick comes from the Necronomicon, as introduced by HP Lovecraft. The Necronomicon love magick is extremely powerful and dangerous, I will have an opportunity to say more on another post.

For a complete reference on Necronomicon love spells, please refer to the most complete website on this matter:

love candle spells

In previous pages I warned against a certain type of light approaches involving individuals that would improvise love spells, usually with candles, based solely on a strong emotional impulse. Now, REAL love candle spell works, but in order for it to work, this magic must follow very strict and precise laws. As you will understand as you progress in the lecture on these lines, I could have titled this page "invocation magic" - because that is what candle spelling really is.

First rule of all is the moon, and this does not relate only to candle magic: it is valid for all magical acts. Generally speaking, magic is to be done when the moon is waxing. More specifically, magic aimed to build, attract or create must be performed when the moon is waxing, and magic to dissolve, destroy and repel must happen when the moon is waning. The moon is actually the physical manifestation of Yesod, which in the quabalistic tree of live canalizes all the other sephira into Malkut (our physical plane). This means that every sephira must travel through Yesod and thorugh its physical manifestation (the moon); hence, the status of the moon modifies and conditions all operations and communications, and therefore no operation is to be performed on new moons, as the mentioned link is absent.

Rule number two, especially appropriate in this case, is the Law of Analogy. Remember that As Above, So Below. With candle magic, what we are aiming at is at building a micro-cosmos and introducing in it some changes that will be reflected into the macro-cosmos, and as such, into our lives. This Law of Analogy has a number of applications, from colors to numbers: we are aiming at addressing the Sphere of Venus within our love magic act (because it is the more appropriate one), hence the ritual must last for seven days, as this is the number of this particular sphere. For the same reason, the ritual must start on a Friday, as this is the day that corresponds to Venus. To make these choices simpler, please consult my lunar calendar in my appendix.

Colors will have their importance as well: divine candles are to be white, candles representing individuals will be colored depending on the astrological sign of the people they are standing for. Candles representing certain actions or feelings will be of the color of the nature of that action. Their places will be important as well, not to mention their motion: if we want two people to approach each other, their candles will be moving towards each other during the 7 days of the ritual, until they eventually meet on the last day.

And finally, what really empowers the ritual are two remaining elements: the invocation of a force or of an Intelligence, and the corresponding words of power. For the later, I find it very convenient and powerful to use parts of the Song of Solomon. This biblical text is embedded with a strong love emanation, and reciting it will put this power into place in our micro-cosmos, and eventually into our macro-cosmos. Regarding the entity to be invoked, in this case I go with a specific and powerful intelligence that is very willing to act on the background of each individual to allow for love improvements; It is a ruler of the Sphere of Venus and belongs to the rank of Archangels.

So, a ritual to cast love (or lust/attraction) on a specific person - or just to bring love into one´s lonely life-, would be as such:

The person will have prepared for around 10 days prior to a Friday evening when the moon will be waxing for the following entire week. He will have had a light diet, preferably with no meat, and definitly with no meat at all during the previous two days, that is from Wednesday. This applies too to alcohol, tobacco and sexual activity of any kind. The goal of this protocol is to have an etheric envelope as thin and light as possible, and not to add further obstacles to an already delicate operation.

The operator will have prepared a set of candles and oiled them to embed his or her intentionality: in this case, as the purpose of them all is to attract, they will have been oiled downwards. Divine candles, candles representing himself, and his or her feelings, candles representing his or her aimed person and the later feelings and a candle representing a modification request for his karma will all be sitting on his altar, an altar that will be facing west.

The operator will initiate the ritual when the sun has set by performing an analogy of the original act of creation, as the Quabalistic Tree of Life depicts (usually called the Quabalistic Cross). He or she will then perform a purification ritual, also called the banishing of the lower pentagram, that he or she will have been doing as well during his preparation period.
Then he or she will be ready to invoke, that is, to call down, the entity I was referring earlier on, enchant the words of power from the Song of Solomon (the phrases will depend on the gender of the operator) and recreate his or her situation into his/her altar. He/she will perform the ritual at the same time everyday for the following seven days, but each time his or her candles and the ones representing his/her loved one will be moved closer to each other. The candles are to extinguished every day when the ritual is over, but the last one, where they must be left to burn until they are finished.

This ritual works by having a very powerful entity charged with changing one's karmic background in order to allow for the changes introduced in your micro-cosmos (the altar) to happen in the macrocosmos (the operator's life). These changes take some time to happen, but they are permanent. Results manifest most of the time within a couple of months, and in my experience this is a slow process compared to other approaches - but it is definitely effective.

The nature of love

If you have any notions of Hermetism or the Occult you may have heard of Hermes Trismegistus and of his Emerald table, where he stated: "As above, so Below". This is somehow used by people with poor understanding of spirituality as an argument to state that God is love and that there is no higher or purer feeling than love, "as love unites everything and holds creation together".

Now, the following might be a bit of a surprise for you: what we call love is not a spiritual feeling. It is not a high evolving one either. It is a passion, and as such, belongs to the denser planes of humanity. That is why love can change so easily into hatred: they share the same nature. Once we leave our human nature, eg. after death, or on astral travel, this feeling stops meaning anything to us. For this very reason, its dense nature, love is controlled in our plane, managed and provoked by dense entities, known as demons.

Now, there is higher alikes of love. Each plane and level of existence has its own version of love. In our plane, the human one, it introduces to the common person the care about somebody else but one's self, and that is a first step in a long way towards perfection. And it is a necessary step and nothing is to be blamed about it. Also, depending on the nature of one's feelings, one can address a request to other entities rather than demons, such as the ones from the Sphere of Venus, and the love resulting will be of a more mature nature than the one sought through denser intelligences, like goetic ones. This is something very important that needs to evaluate when thinking about performing love magic and love spells.

Another thing you need to know is that visibility and invisibility are very closely related to love and particularly to attraction. You cannot be loved by someone that doesn't see you. It can be compared to two horizontal lines one above the other: they never meet. If you are in a situation where you cannot be seen by the one whose interest you seek, take it as a warning regarding the consequences that your magic act can do: you might be putting that person into a world he or she is not prepared to be in, and you will be held responsible for it . If you're ready to commit up until where your actions take you, then go ahead: your loved one will end up seeing only you.

Now, let's finish up with the warning. You probably have heard of the Law of Karma. This Law is the one that controls evolution in the universe, and is sometimes translated as the law of cause and effect, or by expressions such as “what goes around comes around”. The reality is a bit more complicated than that, but we can safely assume we live in an all related universe, a bit like a web, where one action on one of its end will have a domino effect that will be perceived on all of the same web, and will have repercussions everywhere on it, including but not confined to its opposite end. Often, very often, doing something in the universe means undoing some other thing: it is the principle of stability as well as of evolution. And you have to keep in mind that the initiator of an action, may his or her act be voluntary or not, conscious or not, is held responsible for all of its consequences, both direct and indirect. You will have to live with your acts and decisions. If by using the magic I present you here, you end up breaking an existing relationship or marriage, you will have to assume it is a consequence of your actions, just as if you had broken that same relationship without the help of any love spell.

If you cast love on a woman, she will be as much in love with you as a woman can be: if you are not and you're only looking for a temporary liaison, you might be ruining her life.
You are given here all the power there is available when it comes to feelings: measure the consequences of your acts, and if you can see it's not in everyone's benefit, I suggest you take a look at the rituals for overcoming a passion , and use them. Being wise is about being able to choose and decide.

At this stage, you now know a bit more of how the universe works: you know that in order to make something happen you have to seed the idea of your result in the causal plane and let it manifest into the lower planes (such known as the mental, astral and etheric (and physical)). You aslo know that the royal way to do so is to use True Quabalah, which I will explain further on this site, but requires an extreme knowledge of Hermetism and a similar amount of practice. The same results may be achieved by using other approaches, such as spells, use of egregores or commanding spirits and intelligences and charging them with the appropriate mission.

For an extensive explanation of this love magic, please visit

Red Magick and love magic that does not work.

Many pseudo magicians will label magic to attract someone as “red magic”. They will trick you into writing poems, burn them with a candle and recite a phrase until you can no more. And you will eventually find out it didn't work. The reason is because nothing you do in this physical plane can alter it.

We leave in a causal reality. For something to happen (that is what we call an effect), it needs a root (a cause). Some events cause physical effects within the physical plane if they are in accordance with a physical law. A good example is gravity: if you drop (cause) a pen, it will fall (effect). The same happens in higher planes, such as the emotional and the mental, and because the physical plane “embeds” all the others, we can see the consequence of something originating in a mental plane, happen in the physical plane (--> thoughts trigger actions). But because the physical plane is the resulting plane of everything, nothing can happen if it has his roots on it, unless it is a simple domino effect. Things "new" must happen on a higher originating plane, and no actions like writing a poem, no matter how fervent your are, or thinking about something with all your strength, or burning a pink candle because it is inspirting, will actually put the universe in motion. Action needs to be taken in a particular plane where only things that are to become exist.

This higher plane I’m talking of is called the Causal World. This is where Higher Beings create causes that will blossom into effects in the world we see. Anything we see happening has its root in the Causal Plane. No exceptions. For love magic to work or for a love binding spell to make someone fall in love with you, it needs to reach the Causal plane as well: if you want someone to love you, you need to seed this very idea and concept into this Causal plane.

If you were an enlightened individual, a master in this world and the others, you would only need to close your eyes and project into the Causal Plane, and your will would be accomplished and perceived by the rest (or most) of human beings as a miracle.

For those of us who aren’t yet arrived to that point, we have magic systems, that are usually restricted to members of esoteric orders: you may have heard of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn One of the most powerful magic systems that exists is called Enochian or Enochian Magic. Enochian is basically the language used by those who are responsible of building the Universe from the Causal plane.

Some call these beings Angels. In the Causal Plane, each one of them has a range of duties, and they are specialized on specific functions. There a number of them (this later link refers to enochian entities, but there are many other entities other than enochian ensuring the World runs as it is), classified in Spheres. Every single thing that exists has one of these intelligences looking after it. As such, miracles do not exist, as they need to follow these very strict rules. One only needs to command the appropriate Being to manipulate whatever It is responsible of in your life –or the life of who ever you mean-, for It to accomplish your request.

This is done by using a number of different possible approaches: the use of the Enochian language, the seal of the entity your evoking, or the highest of all magics, the Verb (this is what is known as True Quabbalah). First of course, one needs to reach the Causal Plane in order to attempt to use any of these valid systems (and no, poems and simple incantations do not allow for this). We will review enochian love magick in another post.

This is where Egregores have a place in any given magic system: for those who have not yet developed a particular ability, they can be used as an effective and immediate replacement, a sort of shortcut, ladder or podium. In every aspect of the magic I am exposing in this website, a very old and powerful egregore is used to allow the operator to reach the Causal Plane, also known as Akasha.

As you can see, an extensive knowledge of the Occult Laws that rule the universe is necessary to just get started. This kind of knowledge is not something you find in the internet of even in books if you haven't yourself worked hard on an Initatic path. That is why the new age folklore and a number of pagan, wiccan and similar groups who have watched too much tv (yes, I am thinking of Charmed, the series) fail to even get started with the very basics.Their rituals are mostly auto suggestion that work only on rather simple minds.

For real love rituals and a powerfull love magic, I strongly suggest visiting